About our Dietary Supplements
Our Superfood Dietary Supplements are of premium quality, organic, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, and contain ABSOLUTELY NO FILLERS!
Wildcrafted Sea Moss (Irish Moss) Supplement: contains a staggering 92 of the body's 102 minerals.
Wildcrafted Sea Moss + Bladderwrack + Burdock Root Supplement: contains 102 of the body’s 102 minerals!
- Exceptionally rich in nutrient antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids
- Antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, and probiotic
- Supports healthy immune system
- Supports a healthy heart
- Healthy digestive function
- Improves metabolism/weight loss
- Helps irritated bowel, leaky gut, ulcers, gastritis, indigestion, and constipation
- Treats thyroid disorders
- Eliminates excessive mucus
- Helps acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, burns, reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Used to treat sore throats, chest coughs, tuberculosis, bronchial infections and pneumonia
- Anti-Radiation food (EMF’s)
- Recovery from cancer
- Improves mental health (including brain fog)
- Helps with diabetes
- Healthy hair and nails
- Relieves anemia
- Improves libido
- Boosts fertility
- Post-workout recovery
- Improves sleep
- A rich source of beta-carotene, potassium and many other organic compounds that make it a true superfood
- Slows macular degeneration
- Improves vision (beta-carotene)
- A powerful anti-inflammatory (useful in treating arthritis, gout and more)
- Promotes healthy digestion
- Aids in weight loss via increased metabolism
- Reduces risk of coronary disease
- Slows signs of aging
- Contains a unique fiber called “fucoidan,” whose primary function is to regulate cell growth, making it a valuable player in cancer prevention
- Research has shown it to have anti-tumor properties
- Contains energy and iron
- A powerhouse of antioxidants (including quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids)
- Protects cells in the body from damage due to free radicals
- Helps reduce inflammation
- Removes toxins from the blood (purifies the blood and promotes increased circulation)
- May inhibit some types of cancer (research has shown that burdock seeds have potent inhibitory effects on the growth of tumors caused by cancers, and interferes with cancer cell growth)
- An aphrodisiac
- Can help treat skin conditions (acne, psoriasis, and eczema)
We hope you enjoy a daily serving of our Superfood Dietary Supplement as a valuable addition to your diet and, like many other people, make it part of your daily routine for a boost in your overall health.
Disclaimer: Content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice from a physician.